Halogen Voices

A Weekend with Giants on an Island State

In the first few days of 2019, I was invited as part of a group of 21 leaders to help design the ‘Obama Foundation Leaders: Asia-Pacific’ programme. This programme aims to bring together 200 emerging leaders from across Asia-Pacific to explore new ways to take on the biggest challenges in their communities, and the 21


The Fourth Industrial Revolution – For all or for some?

Personal takeaways from the World Economic Forum on ASEAN For the most part, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is seen as an exciting pivotal moment in the evolution of work and commerce. It seems like almost every other day, a new technological disruption takes place, and we see reports extolling the benefits of a new advancement.

Halogen Voices

The Who, What & Why of Fake News

In 1710, Jonathan Swift wrote: “Falsehood flies, and the truth comes limping after it.” 3 centuries later, a study by MIT affirms what the writer intuitively concluded. The recent study has found that false news spreads 6 times faster on Twitter than real news, and most of it are spread by people, not Twitter bots. Misinformation is

Halogen Voices

Beyond Borders

At a recent event*, I stumbled on a fascinating story of Peace Boat started by Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Yoshioka Tatsuya. Yoshioka started on his passion project back in 1983, with a simple notion of wanting to travel the world to meet and build friendships with people in the neighbouring regions. Today, Peace Boat has transformed into

Halogen Voices

Experience of an Halogen Intern

Victor Pang shares about his four-month stint with Halogen

Halogen Voices

Volunteers Who Burn Bright

While sparking a change in others, Halogen’s volunteers experience the change themselves. Hear these stories from Halogen’s change-makers “When I first heard Martin Tan close his talk at an international youth conference in 2007 with: “Someday someone in this planet will do something that will change the world. Why not you?” I was hooked! Seeing

Halogen Voices

Starting Leadership From Young


Halogen Voices

Staff At Work

Career decisions are one of the bigger decisions we make in life. Hear from those who decided to

Halogen Voices