
A Weekend with Giants on an Island State

In the first few days of 2019, I was invited as part of a group of 21 leaders to help design the ‘Obama Foundation Leaders: Asia-Pacific’ programme. This programme aims to bring together 200 emerging leaders from across Asia-Pacific to explore new ways to take on the biggest challenges in their communities, and the 21



#neveragain The world has, indisputably, become more vocal. And it’s not just because we have immense access to content, or the convenience of sharing through the touch of a screen, and that our gateway to the world can be one instastory, one tweet, or one snapchat away. Heading to the Big Apple for a partners visit last week, I


Design Thinking Labs – Europe’s Millennials’ Alternative Workspace?

Berlin Youths Spearheads a New Work Order. A Special Europe Feature on Social Innovation – Interviews with Sascha Wolff from Dark Horse and Anna Ostwald from INNOKI


How do I create value?

Dutch youth helping fellow dutch youths get higher value jobs A Special Europe Feature on Social Innovation – Interview


Re-Building a Nation via Entrepreneurship and Civil Society Engagement

The turnaround tale of Germany in motion. A Special Europe Feature on Social Innovation – Interview with Irene Weinz,


Can One be a Professional Rebel?

Solving real problems with scalable business solutions A Special Europe Feature on Social Innovation – Interview with Linda Vermaat,


Leveraging Barcelona, a city as a lab for learning

Prototyping social-focused experiences to solve social issues via social tourism. A Special Europe Feature on Social Innovation –


Designing the Future

A Special Feature on Social Innovation in Europe – Insights for Singapore’s Next 50


Growing a New Generation of Entrepreneurial Leaders

Entrepreneurial thinking is increasingly important in Singapore today. Learn from the experiences of three budding entrepreneurs as they


Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship

Getting to know the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE), an international organisation providing entrepreneurship training and education programmes to
